2012年4月17日 星期二

Weekly English

周傑倫  偷拍

Now our ED turns to be EW!

Somehow I felt lazy recently.

However, considering my 23 credits, I had better be more diligent.

I'm going to join Yoga club.

Time for me to do some exercises!

I bought a "The Princess and the Frog" postcard for my new pan pal, but she forgot to give me her address. XD

This semester, I have holidays every month. 

So I need to make my time management more efficient.


I broke the CD I borrowed from library.

I thought it cannot be hidden and honest is the best policy, so I told the librarian directly. 

It was a little embarrassing, but I thought myself was brave. 

First, I needed to pay 100 for fee. 

樸尚元Then I bring exactly the same CD to replace the broken one.

The rule is that if I can't find the same one, I can compensate library with money.


HOWEVER, what I pay is three times the price of the CD!!!

The clever person as I, choose to buy the same one, which I can buy online with one-third the price.


The biggest lesson I learn -- Never break any stuff you borrow from library.


It took my LONG time to finish my first EW since I stopped writing it for a while.

I believe it's more than 200 words. XDD (I don't count.)

Maybe next time would be sooner. 

See you next week!!


Some interesting information of Prague: http://reiko0403.pixnet.net/blog/post/87118584

It seems an excellent souvenir. =)

